On Friday 18 November 2016, the annual Ingeokring Autumn Symposium will take place in Delft, The Netherlands. This year, the symposium will be dedicated to the subject of Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering. Following on from previous years, the event is organised at the Delft University of Technology.
The symposium will be of interest to professionals, students, academics and those with a specific interest in the subject. Due to increased earthquake hazard levels in the Dutch province of Groningen as a result of years of natural gas extraction, a considerable amount of research and consultancy work is currently being performed in the field of earthquake engineering in The Netherlands. The Ingeokring symposium will provide a platform to share relevant knowledge and experience, both in The Netherlands and abroad.
A keynote lecture will be provided by Honorary Member Dr. Niek Rengers, titled “Lessons learned for geotechnical earthquake engineering from the 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake (Ms 8.0)”.
More information can be found:
2016-ingeokring-TUDelft-symposium_flyer.pdf (714 downloads )
Updates will follow with regard to venue and program as we move forward with our programming. We hope to welcome you on Friday the 18th of November 2016 !