The 2018 Ingeokring-TU Delft symposium “Engineering Geology as an eye-opener to Civil Engineering” was fully dedicated to Peter Verhoef. It has been a great success with more than 100 participants. The speakers, all ex-students and/or ex-colleagues of Peter gave a vibrant homage to Peter before providing an excellent insight into the challenging projects to which they (have) contribute(d) to the success.
Peter has been instrumental to the education of many Delft trained engineering geologists. He is also considered as mentor by many of his ex-colleagues and has opened many eyes on the added value of engineering geology approach to most ground engineering projects.
The board of the Ingeokring offers Peter its best wishes for his retirement and is very glad to count him as its IAEG representative.
The board also thanks all participants to the symposium. By attending the symposium in mass, you proved that Peter’s impact on the development of engineering geology in the Netherlands is huge.
Dominique Ngan-Tillard & John Adrichem, organizers of the 2018 symposium.
For more photos click on the link below:
Last but not least, we are glad to share four presentations being held during the symposium. Click on the pdf-files below:
- The enigma’s in the current practice of Geotechnical Engineering - F. Mathijssen (591 downloads )
- Ground improvement from an Engineering Geological perspective - J. Dijkstra (705 downloads )
- Ground investigation and armour rock supply for the material offloading facility on Barrow Island - P. Verhoef & R. Vuurens (505 downloads )
- Effect of high hyperbaric pressure on rock cutting process - M. Alvarez (523 downloads )
- Offshore geotechnical site investigations for the Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link Project - J. Mollé & E. Schoute (435 downloads )