Excursion to the RijnlandRoute in Leiden on May 17th 2019

On Friday May 17th 2019, the Ingeokring organizes an excursion to the RijnlandRoute in Leiden. During this excursion, a presentation will given about the design of the tunnel and its cross passages. All this with a geologic ‘dressing’. Moreover the TBM launch shaft will be visited as well. In the launch shaft the TBM is currently being assembled these days.

The excursion takes place in the afternoon from 14:00 to about 17:00 hours.

For more information about the project, visit the contractors combination’s (Comol5) website (in Dutch).

If you are interested, send an e-mail to info@ingeokring.nl including your first and last name and phone number.

Please sign up quickly, because maximum size of the group is only 15 persons!

Excursion in the Border zone on August 25th 2018: “Rock mass description in the Bentheimer” (2nd UPDATE!)

On Saturday August the 25th 2018, the “Rock mass description in the Bentheimer” excursion was organised. Hereby we present you a spherical and geological impression:









Furthermore, Robert Hack (University Twente/ITC) wrote a report on the excursion to the Romberg Quarry, Gildehaus (Germany), in where the Slope Stability Probability Classification (SSPC) had been applied on several slopes in the quarry. Click on the pdf-file below to read this report:

Hack - Excursion to the Romberg Quarry, Gildehaus, Germany (2018) (1332 downloads )


EUROCK 2020 Trondheim Call for Abstracts is now open

A message from our colleagues of the ISRM:

Dear Colleagues!

On behalf of the Organizing Committee I am pleased to announce that we now have opened the Abstract Submission for EUROCK 2020, to be held in Trondheim in June 2020. Please find enclosed some information on the Conference and the Abstract Submission process.

EUROCK 2020 is the International Symposium of the ISRM in 2020. The Conference will be organised jointly by the Norwegian Group for Rock Mechanics and Tekna (The Norwegian Society of Graduate Technical and Scientific Professionals).

I would now like to invite you to submit your abstracts, please visit our Abstract Portal. Please also note the Abstract Submission closing date: June 1st 2019.

Continue reading “EUROCK 2020 Trondheim Call for Abstracts is now open”

TISOLS2020 – Tenth International Symposium on Land Subsidence -UPDATE-

From 20 – 24 April 2020, the Tenth International Symposium on Land Subsidence (TISOLS) will take place in the Netherlands: in the cities of Delft and Gouda.

Hereby we would like to announce that the call for abstracts has been opened. The deadline for submitting abstracts is at 31 March 2019!

Check the website https://www.tisols2020.org for more information and the latest updates!

ISRM 2019 – RockBowl

On behalf of the ISRM we would like to announce the following:

It is a pleasure to contact you and invite students of your country to join us at the RockBowl game!

We are organizing the second edition of RockBowl to occur during the International Congress on Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (ISRM 2019). It is a game of questions and answers, in which competing student teams are challenged to answer technical and non-technical questions about rock mechanics.

The prizes are:

  • $ 1.000,00 for each student of the winning team;
  • A drone for the best player.

Please spread the attached folder for the universities of your country and be sure that your nation is represented. We are contacting all National Groups of ISRM and inviting them to join us!

Please note that there is a limited number of teams on this competition. Registration opens at January 1st, 2019.

2018 Ingeokring Autumn Symposium: “A tribute to Peter Verhoef: Engineering Geology as an eye-opener for Civil Engineering” -UPDATE-

The 2018 Ingeokring-TU Delft symposium “Engineering Geology as an eye-opener to Civil Engineering” was fully dedicated to Peter Verhoef. It has been a great success with more than 100 participants. The speakers, all ex-students and/or ex-colleagues of Peter gave a vibrant homage to Peter before providing an excellent insight into the challenging projects to which they (have) contribute(d) to the success.

Peter has been instrumental to the education of many Delft trained engineering geologists. He is also considered as mentor by many of his ex-colleagues and has opened many eyes on the added value of engineering geology approach to most ground engineering projects.

The board of the Ingeokring offers Peter its best wishes for his retirement and is very glad to count him as its IAEG representative.

The board also thanks all participants to the symposium. By attending the symposium in mass, you proved that Peter’s impact on the development of engineering geology in the Netherlands is huge.

Dominique Ngan-Tillard & John Adrichem, organizers of the 2018 symposium.

Continue reading “2018 Ingeokring Autumn Symposium: “A tribute to Peter Verhoef: Engineering Geology as an eye-opener for Civil Engineering” -UPDATE-“

2018 Ingeokring Autumn Symposium: “A tribute to Peter Verhoef: Engineering Geology as an eye-opener for Civil Engineering”

On behalf of the Ingeokring Board and TU Delft, we are pleased to announce the 2018 Ingeokring Autumn Symposium:

“A tribute to Peter Verhoef: Engineering Geology as an eye-opener for Civil Engineering”

Date: Friday 23 November 2018 from 13:00h to 18:00h
Location: Building 26, Van der Burghweg 1 in Delft

Continue reading “2018 Ingeokring Autumn Symposium: “A tribute to Peter Verhoef: Engineering Geology as an eye-opener for Civil Engineering””

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