The Ingeokring is proud that after a thorough selection the Best Thesis Award Committee 2017 has nominated 4 thesisis in the field of Engineering Geology.
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The Ingeokring is proud that after a thorough selection the Best Thesis Award Committee 2017 has nominated 4 thesisis in the field of Engineering Geology.
Continue reading “Dutch Student Award for Engineering Geology 2017. And the Winner is…….”
On behalf of the Ingeokring Board and TU Delft, we are pleased to announce the 2017 Ingeokring Autumn Symposium dedicated to the subject of Digital Data in Engineering Geology.
Friday 24 November 2017 from 13:00h to 18:00h
Continue reading “2017 Ingeokring Autumn Symposium on Digital Data in Engineering Geology”
As communicated before, the Ingeokring excursion for July 1st 2017 has found it’s final form. This day (1 day instead of 2 day-excursions in the previous years) willl consist of 2 underground guided tours and a few surface outcrop visits. In these visits the historic mining of the Limburg area and specifically the rock mechanics in the underground mines will be the central theme. The combination of underground tours and the surface outcrops near Maastricht will make this a very interesting day.
The full program can be found:
170514-Uitnodiging-Zomerexcursie-1-juli-2017_def_sml.pdf (3223 downloads )Continue reading “Summer Excursion Ingeokring: Excursion Pillar Stability in Southern Limburg”
Continue reading “Dutch Student Award for Engineering Geology 2017”
Continue reading “Excursie Rock Lab & General member Meeting (ALV) 2017 of Ingeokring”
Ingeokring activities planned for 2017:
Culture Centre Delft University of Technology, 18 November 2016
The symposium was very well attended. More people than the attendance limit, which was set at 100, were present. Apart from a considerable number of members of the Ingeokring, a large part of the audience existed of scientists and engineers that came especially for the subject matter.