Dutch Student Award for Engineering Geology 2017. And the Winner is…….

The Ingeokring is proud that after a thorough selection the Best Thesis Award Committee 2017 has nominated 4 thesisis in the field of Engineering Geology.

The selection criteria and this year’s nominees are shown in Robert Hack’s presentation during the Ingeokring Autumn Symposium:

2017-11-24-Presentation-Award.pdf (778 downloads )

After careful consideration, the Committee decided that the Dutch Student Award for Engineering Geology of the year 2017 goes to……..

Manuel Aukenthaler

With his Master thesis “The Frozen & Unfrozen Barcelona Basic Model; A verification and validation of a new constitutive model”.

Congratulations! You have been added to the Ingeokring’s hall of fame!

Last but not least: the Ingeokring board would like to thank the Best Thesis Award Committee for their effort and time!

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