Save the date! On Friday 18 November 2022
The Ingeokring organises the Autumn Symposium “From Rock to Opera”.
This symposium is dedicated to Robert Hack who has committed a great part of his working life to research and education in the field of Engineering Geology.
The symposium is hosted by TU Delft, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, takes place in Hall E (the most southern lecture hall in the building), and starts at 13.00 hrs.
Please register here!

13:00 Coffee
13:30 Opening (Dominique Ngan-Tillard and Siefko Slob)
13:35 Time, Geological Time, Smatterings of Robert Hack, and Climate change- a geologist’s perspective (Steve Hencher)
14:05 Stuck between a rock and a hard place: Some Serious Pension Contemplations (Marco Huisman and Siefko Slob)
14:30 Surprise Maestro College tour
15:00 INTERLUDE (pause)
15:30 Ingeokring best thesis award (Anne-Catherine Dieudonné)
15:40 Analytical and numerical analysis of stability of shallow tunnels and slopes (Carlos Carranza-Torres)
16:10 From an Engineering Geologist to a Risk Engineer Natural Hazards-Why & What do you do at an insurance company? (Wiebke Cundill)
16:30 Grande Finale Robert’s speech and more…
17:15 Closure (Dominique Ngan-Tillard and Siefko Slob)
17:30 Drinks & Snacks in the Geoscience and Engineering Exhibition Room, located on the 1st floor in the Kopgebouw of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, next to MV office