Date: Thursday 20 February 2020, 17:00-18:30
Location: TU Delft
The General Assembly or ALV of the Ingeokring was opened by the chairman, Siefko Slob. During the meeting the activities of the past year (2019) were discussed as well as a forecast of the activities for 2020. 2019 also saw a change of board, so this General Assembly was the first held under the new board.
Ahmed Elkadi, the treasurer of the Ingeokring, presented the financial figures of 2019. The overall conclusion was that the Ingeokring showed a small loss compared to 2018, mainly due to unpaid contributions, but remains in general in good financial health. The financial and annual reports can be downloaded from the links below. The financial report has been approved by the members of the audit committee.
After the General Assembly Joost van Schrier (RHDHV), former president of the Ingeokring, provided the attendants of the General Assembly with a very interesting presentation titled: “The impact of change”. The presentation addressed how changes in climate and geotechnical conditions can affect a project along its engineering lifetime. Joost provided some examples from his 30 years of experience as a consulting geotechnical engineer and an engineering geologist. After the presentation and the following discussion, the General Assembly was ended with drinks and snacks provided by the Mijnbouwkundige Vereeniging.

Last but not least, we are glad to share the annual reports (Dutch and English), financial report and the presentation of the General Assembly respectively . Click on the following links to open one of the pdf-files: