The well-known IngeoKring Autumn Symposium takes this time place on Friday the 13th of November (2015). This yearly event starts in the afternoon at 13:45 hours and end at 16.45 hours. Again it is succeeded to book the famous and beautiful former Royal Arm Museum in Delft (Korte Geer 1) for this special occasion. A number of invited speakers discuss the local geology and the geotechnical challenges they encountered in their projects in and around the old city of Delft.
Following the old Symposium tradition: the entrance to the Ingeokring Autumn Symposium is free for members and non-members ! A great opportunity to discuss and interact with (other) experts about the challenges posed by the geological and geotechnical conditions encoutered on the different construction sites during the symposium but also during the after drink. We hope to welcome you on Friday the 13th of November 2015 !
More information can be found:
IngeoKring-ad-2015.pdf (1283 downloads )