On Friday afternoon 28 September 2012, Ingeokring will organise a symposium at TU Delft. The title of the symposium will be Engineering in Exotic Environments. The symposium will be held from 13:45 to 18:00 hrs in room 1.98 of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences of TU Delft.
Attending the symposium is free of charge, drinks afterwards are included.
More information can be found:
Ingeokring-symposium-2012.pdf (1790 downloads )
Total geological history approach for dredging projects in the Scandinavian Baltic Sea
Drs. Roula Dambrink (TNO – Geological Survey of The Netherlands)
Dr. Peter Verhoef (Royal Boskalis Westminster nv)
Tractive performance FEM modelling of the ExoMars rover wheel design on loosely packed Martian soil
Ir. Jitse Pruiksma (Deltares)
Geological conditioning of arsenic contamination: case study from Bihar, India
Dr. Rick Donselaar (Delft University of Technology – Section Applied Geology)
Engineering Aspect and Time effects of rapid deterioration of sandstone in the tropical environment of Sabah, Malaysia
Frederick Tating (ITC – University of Twente)
Liquefaction of iron ore cargo: a global survey
Dr.ir. Leon Paassen (Delft University of Technology – Section Geo-engineering)