Join us in celebrating a remarkable year for engineering geology!
When: 22nd November 2024, Welcome drinks & symposium from 13:00 to 17:30
After symposium: drinks & snacks from 17:30 to 19:30
Where: TU Delft, Faculty of Civil Engineering & Geosciences, Stevinweg 1, NL-2628 CN Delft, Hall A
The activity is organized as part of celebrations for a double anniversary: the 50 years of Ingeokring and the 60 years of IAEG!
The event is free of charge, but please register to join the event!
Featured speakers
Helen Reeves, IAEG Vice-President Northern Europe, Director & Head of Discipline for Geoscience & Engineering Geology TGE (Europe), Jacobs, UK
Engineering Geology: Bringing the UN Sustainable Development Goals closer!
Denise Maljers, Research Manager, TNO
Dinoloket: Data for People, Present and Future
Joost van der Schrier, RHDHV |
Jacco Haasnoot, CRUX Engineering |
Ronald Brinkgreve, PLAXIS, Sequent and TU Delft, Geo-eng |
Guillaume Rongier, TU Delft, Applied Geology |
Tom de Gast, Waterschap Hollandse Delta/TU Delft
360° discussion on the superpower of cone penetration tests
Joek Peuchen, Manager of Engineering, Fugro
Journey from marine site investigations to augmented reality
Awards and celebrations
- 60th Anniversary of the International Association of Engineering Geology and the Environment
- 50th Anniversary of Ingeokring
- Niek Rengers, past IAEG President, recipient of the 2024 Hans Cloos Medal
- Peter Verhoef, new honorary member of INGEOKRING
- Recipient of the 2022-2024 Ingeokring best MSc Thesis Award
Network and gaming
- Welcome drinks
- Coffee & birthday cake break
- Gaming by Pierre-Olivier Bruna, TU Delft, Applied Geology
Back to Falset for a (virtual) rock mass characterization! - After-symposium drinks & snacks in the exhibition room, next to the MV office
The event is free of charge, but please register to join the event!