Ingeokring’s 2014 Engineering-Geological Excursion to the Eifel

The Ingeokring’s 2014 Engineering Geological Excursion to the Eifel counts as a Continuous Personal Development activity. The excursion starts on April the 5ht and ends on April the 6th (2014). At the end of the excursion you will get a personal certifcate clarifying that you have learned to use geological maps and to classify sedimentary and metamorphic rocks and that you have practiced these activities in the field in Northern Eifel (Germany).

Sat.,  5th of April 2014, 12:00 – 18:00 : Lectures and introduction into the geology of the area
Sun., 6th of April 2014,   9:00 – 16:00 : Fieldwork

Costs are 50 euros per person including a personal geological map, lunch, coffee and pastry on day 1 and a lunch package on day 2.
Overnight stay, dinner and drinks are NOT included. Hotel facilities are available at close distance from the site (see below). The Ingeokring is happy to provide you with addresses for an overnight stay in the fieldwork area.

The historic fortified site called: Burg Hausen in Hausen, 52396 Heimbach.This site – with a lecture room and hotel facilities – is located in the centre of ourfieldwork area.

If you are interested in participating, send an e-mail to: stating your name, address, and telephone
number. The deadline is 15.02.2014.

Look for a poster providing you with the details of the Excursion Programme:

IK_GeoExcursie_14_s.pdf (2332 downloads )

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