
The objective of the Ingeokring Newsletter is to inform members of the Ingeokring and other interested parties about topics related to engineering geology, varying from detailed articles, book reviews and student affairs to announcements of the Ingeokring and current developments in the field of engineering geology. The Newsletter wants to make engineering geology better known by improving the understanding of the different aspects of engineering geology.

Front page of recent newsletter

The Newsletter is distributed in paper format to all Ingeokring members, authors and sponsors, and can be downloaded from the Ingeokring website (see above and at the bottom of this page for the most recent and older issues of the Newsletter).

The Newsletter is issued at least once a year and each edition has a specific central theme. The latest issue was published in Autumn 2015 and has Glacial Soils as theme.

Editorial board
Main editors
Ir. R. Vuurens (Robert),
Ir. M. Bolognin (Marco).

Dr. ir. A.A.M. Dieudonné (Anne-Catherine),
All Ingeokring-members and Dutch representatives of IAEG and ISRM.

Correspondence regarding the Newsletter (articles, advertisements) can be addressed to the editorial board through the following address:

  • Ingeokring Newsletter
  • Delft University of Technology
  • Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Geo-Engineering Section
  • P.O. Box 5048
  • 2600 GA Delft
  • The Netherlands

Notes for Newsletter authors
The manuscript may be written in both Dutch or English and should be sent to the editorial board (address provided above). Authors are free in choosing the subject of their contribution with the following restraints:

  • The subject is related to engineering geology and to the specific theme of the Newsletter
  • The manuscript is not a commercial advertisement (announcements are allowed)
  • The article should be written in Word or similar, without any formatting or layout-codes
  • Articles should be sent to the editorial board in digital format by e-mail (e-mail address provided above)
  • Figures, drawings, and pictures should be produced in one of the common image formats: GIF, TIFF, JPEG
  • Figures, drawings, pictures and tables should be submitted separately; named and numbered in a logical order according to their placement in the main text
  • Submissions should be preferably in digital format
  • The print size should be selected by considering possible reduction for the final version
  • Each article must include the author(s) name(s), affiliations and address, and a short abstract of preferably less than 100 words.

Advertising in the Newsletter
The Newsletter is distributed in paper form to members of the Ingeokring and several companies and institutes, active in the field of Geo-Engineering. Further, Newsletters can be downloaded from this page. The Newsletter offers the possibility to advertise and bring your company to readers’ notice. Advertisements, preferably in English, can be published either in black/white or in colour, A4 or A5 size. Current advertisement tariffs are:

Advertisements should be sent to the editorial board (address provided above), preferably in high resolution digital image format (e.g. GIF, TIFF, JPEG, PDF).

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