Faculty of Civil Engineering & Geosciences, TU Delft, 15 November 2019
The symposium has been attended very well. A lot of new insights, ideas and lessons have been learned from to the speakers and their presentations. Again, we would like to express the speakers our gratitude!

For an extensive photographic impression of the atmosphere during the symposium, please feel free to download the file below:
At the end of the symposium, the Ingeokring presented a interactive online quiz with questions concerning the symposium’s theme. The audience liked it very much! Therefore the quiz and audience’s answers can be reminisced by clicking on the next link:
Last but not least, we are glad to share all of the presentations being held during the symposium. Click on one of the pdf-files below to open them:
- Klünker - Dealing with Post-Mining-Hazards, From theoretical apporach to practical remediation (2019) (1394 downloads )
- Spaans - The regional information centre aftercare coal mining (2019) (1487 downloads )
- Denys - Former coal mining in the south of Limburg; Personal view on (.) mining damage (2019) (1673 downloads )
- Roest - The legacy of coal mining in Limburg (2019) (1543 downloads )