Report on the Autumn Symposium of the Ingeokring 2016: Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering

Culture Centre Delft University of Technology, 18 November 2016
The symposium was very well attended. More people than the attendance limit, which was set at 100, were present. Apart from a considerable number of members of the Ingeokring, a large part of the audience existed of scientists and engineers that came especially for the subject matter.

The symposium covered three groups of topics: Natural Earthquakes (Wenchuan 2008 disaster; Roermond 1992), Induced Earthquakes (focussed on the Groningen gas extraction induced seismic events) and Engineering Studies (modelling for engineering design and subsoil-structure interaction studies).

Niek Rengers

It proved to be a very interesting afternoon, with a concentrated audience attentively following the presentations, and actively participating in the panel discussions.

For further reading:

Report-on-IG-2016-Symposium_Final-sml.pdf (564 downloads )

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